Case Studies

Small Public Water Utility

About This Case

A small water district was experiencing a significant drought and as a result needed to restart some wells that had been mothballed as an emergency source of water. waterTALENT provided a Water Operations Specialist with 33 years of drinking water experience to support the start-up, troubleshooting, sampling, and testing of the new wells.

Operator Experience

  • 33 years experience
  • Certified at highest level for water treatment operations
  • Final position: Chief Utilities System Operator


  • Less than one month, until project completed.


  • Wells operable as a backup water supply to the drought-prone district


“Solvang is a small city but we have a relatively complex water system and just four water operators to manage it. Our Water Supervisor was in a serious car accident and was out for over a year. This put us in a real bind. We contacted waterTALENT to see if they could help us. Within just a few days waterTALENT was able to provide us with a highly experienced temporary supervisor. We also asked if waterTALENT could evaluate our operations and make recommendations for improvements. The temporary waterTALENT supervisor had great people skills, and mentored our younger operators. He also completed a very useful evaluation of our operations and prepared a brief report with recommendations and suggested best management practices. waterTALENT helped us make the best of the unfortunate circumstances, advancing our operators skills and helping us implement operational improvements.” – Matt, Public Works Director for the City of Solvang