A municipality was struggling to find qualified, mid-level wastewater operators for its 10 MGD conventional treatment plant. After contacting half a dozen other staffing firms, waterTALENT was the only firm that was able to supply them with the qualified operator who has since become a valued member of the team and may convert to a full-time employee of the City.
“We have been very pleased with our waterTALENT experience. At a time of transition, while experiencing a serious shortage of certified operations personnel at our 10 mgd wastewater treatment facility, waterTALENT’s services were an excellent solution. They were quickly able to provide experienced, talented, technically strong and certified operators at several classification levels. Rather than just fill the gap, waterTALENT operators brought ideas and process procedures that we have incorporated into facility SOPs. I have found, waterTALENT as an organization, to be customer service driven and very responsive to changing client needs. I would not hesitate, and expect to use waterTALENT services in the future.”